Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Two times the Fun...

I Frackin' LOVED the Wuzzles! I had a plush of Eleroo when I was little, and still have it somewhere back home. Wuzzles were basically Disney's answer to the Care Bears, Rainbow Bright and anything else that involved characters in different colors. In the 80's this list goes on and on. I miss colorful characters...when did this trend die? We need to bring this back. Lovin' the 80's tonight :).

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Happy LOST Day!

Happy LOST day :) I just love this art. I didn't make it, but it's super cute. I am gonna miss this show called LOST, but really it's everything that goes along with it...the image creation at work, the talks with friends and family, the podcasts, the talkshoe chat-rooms and blogs and of course the feeling of having to wait a whole week for a new episode. It has all been so fun to be a part of. LOST you will be missed on May 24th 2010 :(