Monday, May 31, 2010

The End of Lost

As many of us Lost Fans is hard to pick just one great scene of Lost. We each have favorite funny moments, favorite tear jerkers, favorite fight scenes and, of course, favorite Ben lines. I have always loved the music and scores of Lost, so most of my favorite scenes have no dialog whatsoever. My favorite scene of Lost is about 123 hours long, but I think it is fitting that my most memorable moment of the show was in the finale episode..."I Saved you a Bullet." aka the Jack vs. Locke fight scene.

Each time I watch this scene, I go over and over it my head and re-live the emotional excitement that went through me as I sat in my Orpheum seat watching it with 2,500 people. At this moment during the finale I said to myself. THIS is why I am here. THIS is why I watched the show for 6 years. THIS is why I flew across the country to watch it with thousands of fans. THIS is it.

We were on the edge of our seats on the commercial break...some even fell off. We gasped when Locke stabbed Jack....We screamed when Locke cut Jack's neck...and we cheered louder than ever before when Kate shot Locke. There was even a quick laugh that followed with the line ..."Nice Work, Dr. Shephard." It was a whole range of emotions flowing through everyone in the theater and you could feel it. I absolutely love that Kate saved Jack, because as she has said for many seasons..."I have always been with you." This time she truly was, and it payed off. Jack Shepherd had done what he came to this place to do...and thanks to Kate, he prevailed.

I could not have picked a better way to end this wonderful show, than enjoying it with the fans that made it great. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I am truly thankful I was a part of.

The Song "Lost" by Michael Bublé, will not only remind me forever of Jack, Kate and Lost, but it I think it speaks directly to all of us, and the ending of the show. It is amazing how many scenes and images of Lost flow through my head when listening to this song. It is ultimately my "Lost Time Capsule" in song form. The song was released near the end of Season 3 and it has been in my Lost inspired playlist ever since. As the final seasons went by, I was shocked at how close the lyrics actually became to the ending themes of the show. After the finale, all I wanted to do was hear this song again and again, over and over, and cry with all my Lost friends. On May 24th (the day after the finale) we went to the beach, and I sat there watching the waves and listening to this song along with the Giacchino score from season 1. I could not have summed up my Lost experience any better. What a wonderful ride.

To Jay, Jack, Heath, Axel, Len, Donald, Jed, Cara, Matt, Leslie, and all my other fellow Losties in the Lost Community...I say thank you for all you have done in making this show memorable for all of us and heightening our Lost experience. Throughout the series of Lost, we watched, cried and laughed together. There was no alone. We ARE, and will forever be, the Lost community.

"'Cause You are Not Alone...I'm Always There With You...and We'll get Lost Together...'Til the Light Comes Pouring Through."

Thank You Lost

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dude. Happy Birthday.

HA HA HA Got the best card ever for my Birthday :) Thanks Maria.